The Cross

The Cross
ISBN: 9781621366225

Autor:Parsley, Rod
15,99 $

Fuera de existencia

Rediscovering the Beautiful, Scandalous Cross of Jesus Christ

The cross is the hinge-point of human history. It is the fulcrum of Gods grand, brilliant, lever--four thousand years in the crafting--that in a single day pried a fallen world from Satans grasp. The centrality of the cross is the hallmark of an authentic, life-giving gospel. But today we stand at an intersection, a literal crossroads of history, in which for many, even those with a genuine love for God and His Word, the cross has lost its importance.

In The Cross Rod Parsley takes you deep into the mysterious territories of what the Bible calls "the foolishness of the cross" and the "scandal" of Jesuss sacrifice to explore the significance of the cross in the unfailing light of Scripture.

It is at the foot of the cross, and there alone, that we can look with wonder upon the raw ferocity of Gods love for us. To accept it and glory in it, this is the only truly rational response. Come along as we rediscover the power, majesty, and beauty of the cross and learn anew how to claim that power for your life.