The Power of Agreement

The Power of Agreement
ISBN: 9781621365433

Autor:Phillips, DMin, Ron
15,99 $

Fuera de existencia

When we work together in meaningful relationships and friendships, Gods power works through us to bring His Kingdom to earth.

Jesus came to bring reconciliation. In the Sermon on the Mount, he declares that our offerings will not bring a harvest until we "reconcile with our brothers." The word he often uses to describe our relationships is agreement--in Greek, sumphoneo. It is the word we get the English "symphony" from. Every instrument in an orchestra is different but when they are led by a capable conductor the music is miraculous. This is the kind of harmony that is sweet to the ears of God. This kind of relationship makes miracles possible. God loves this kind of unity!

The Power of Agreement shows you how to have this kind of unity in all of your relationships. The kind God desires for each of us. The kind He uses to change our lives so that we have a lasting impact in the lives of people around us. The truth is, we need each other. And if we want to change the world. If we want Gods will to truly be done on earth, we need to know how to come into agreement with people and build healthy, strong relationships.