Breakthrough Worship

Breakthrough Worship
ISBN: 9781629984063

Autor:Wallace, Cynthia D.
12,99 $

Fuera de existencia

A Lawyer's Guide to Heaven's Courts!
How to hear from and be heard by God
As a respected international lawyer with a PhD from Cambridge University, Cynthia Day Wallace has lectured around the world. But her most important appearances have been in the courts of heaven.
For more than a decade, she has led weekly intercessory Breakthrough Worship gatherings in Switzerland, most recently in a 700-year-old church overlooking the Lake of Geneva.
There she and the small prayer team that has joined her have learned how to tune in more closely to the heart of God, interceding for their city, Israel, and the nations of the world.
Sharing her own journey of discovery and delight, Dr. Wallace reveals some of the ways she has grown in her understanding of how to seek and sustain God's presence and prophetic power.
Reading her story, you will be inspired to pursue a similar encounter, learning:
            * the difference between passive and active worship
            * how to prepare your heart
            * the importance of unity
            * what can keep you from greater spiritual intimacy
Offering principles rather than rules, and urging joy rather than duty, Dr. Wallace invites you to join her in the adventure of becoming an advocate before the eternal judge.