41 Will Come. Holding On When Life Gets Tough--and Standing Strong Until a New Day Dawns

41 Will Come. Holding On When Life Gets Tough--and Standing Strong Until a New Day Dawns
ISBN: 9781496414694

Autor:Tate, Chuck E.
15,99 $

Fuera de existencia

A bold declaration of faith, 41 Will Come is a shot of encouragement and hope for everyone who desperately needs to hear "God is with you. Your story is not over. You are not defeated."
In the Bible, it rained for forty days and forty nights. Day 41 came and the rain stopped. The people of Israel wandered the wilderness for forty years. Day 41 came and a new generation entered the Promised Land. For forty days, Goliath bullied Israel and dared anyone to fight him. Day 41 came and David slew Goliath.

Do you see the theme? Dont quit. Dont give up. Perhaps youre stuck in a downpour or lost in one of lifes deserts. Maybe youre facing someone or something that could take you down. You might feel stuck on your journey, but 41 will come--its on its way.

No matter how long your battle--days, weeks, or years--Chuck Tate offers you seven keys to help you hang on to the promise and truth that God will come through for you.