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  1. Swindoll's Living Insights New Testament Commentary:  Insights on Hebrews
    17,99 $
    Written to Jewish believers who were persecuted and tempted to leave the faith, the central theme of Hebrews is simple but powerful: Christ is superior. As the God-man, Jesus Christ is greater than all the prophets of old; he is also greater than the angels, greater than Moses and Joshua, and even greater than the Law and its priesthood. Jesus is the source of our faith, our hope, and our love.

    As the author asserts: "Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. . . . Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4:14, 16).

    The letter to the Hebrews isn’t casual bedside reading. Dense and deep, complex and compelling, profound and practical. Rich in history, vibrant in imagery, eloquent in style, the book of Hebrews has the words to refresh our minds and cleanse our souls.

    -Chuck Swindoll
  2.  Searching the Scriptures
    9,99 $
    From the flap:
    A Testimony

    For more than sixty years, I have cultivated a love for the Bible and have pursued an understanding of it. My purpose in writing this book is to help you do the same.

    First, I’d like to offer an explanation of how this love affair started. As early as my late teens, I was drawn to the truths of God’s Word and captivated by its wisdom. My interest in the Bible can be traced in large part to the fact that I was reared by a mother and a father who believed in God and respected the Scriptures. They used the Bible’s counsel as a guideline for our home, often quoting from its pages as my older brother, Orville; my older sister, Luci; and I were growing up. It was back then that the Bible first began to make sense to me.

    Because scriptural truth served as our domestic foundation, ours was a home where respect for authority was expected and lovingly enforced. At the same time, my parents allowed for open discussion and gave us the freedom to speak our minds. Disagreements in our home didn’t fester and lead to unending arguments; rather, they were resolved quickly and correctly, just as the Bible teaches. Ours was not an uptight, frowning family marked by harsh demands or mindless rules and regulations. On the contrary, while my parents honored, taught, and respected the Bible, they also encouraged lighthearted fun. In our home, laughter was loud and frequent, and the sounds of music-both vocal and instrumental-were heard every day. In that happy, balanced setting, I never felt abused or exploited by overbearing, obsessive parents who hammered us children with a long list of legalistic requirements underscored by Bible verses yanked out of context. On the contrary, grace flowed often and freely.

    I want the same for you: a joy-filled life lived in light of God’s wisdom as the Bible states it. That’s why I’ve written this book.

    Years ago, I learned at the feet of Dr. Howard G. Hendricks, who taught the Bible Study Methods course at Dallas Theological Seminary. To this day, I have not delivered a sermon, conducted a teaching session, released a broadcast or podcast, or given even a brief devotional without first putting the principles I learned from him to use in my preparation. Because these principles have served me so well for more than fifty years of ministry, I want to pass them on to others-including you-on the pages of this book.

    As a result of learning them and putting them into practice, you, too, can know the fulfillment of opening the pages of your Bible with confidence.

    -Chuck Swindoll
  3. Swindoll's Living Insights New Testament Commentary:  Insights on 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude
    13,99 $
    The four short letters of 1-3 John and Jude deliver powerful messages of correct living in a wrong world and are as relevant today as they were in the first century. Written near the end of the John’s life, 1 John was meant to revive the faith, love, and hope of his readers and encourage them to renew an authentic, contagious walk with Christ. Like two siblings, 2 and 3 John are letters with unique personalities but also some striking similarities, each taking a unique approach to a single, urgent message: balance unconditional love with discerning truth.

    Jude, the brother of Jesus, writes with a twofold purpose: expose the false teachers that had infiltrated the Christian community, and encourage the believers to stand firm in the faith and fight for it.

    The 15-volume Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary series draws on Gold Medallion Award–winner Chuck Swindoll’s 50 years of experience in studying and preaching God’s Word. His deep insight, signature easygoing style, and humor bring a warmth and practical accessibility not often found in commentaries. Each volume combines verse-by-verse commentary, charts, maps, photos, key terms, and background articles with practical application. The newly updated volumes now include parallel presentations of the NLT and NASB before each section. This series is a must-have for pastors, teachers, and anyone else who is seeking a deeply practical resource for exploring God’s Word.
  4. Swindoll's Living Insights New Testament Commentary:  Insights on Luke
    14,99 $
    Dr. Luke’s carefully researched account shows how Jesus compassionately identified with the neediness of humanity, implicitly placing its emphasis on the Messiah as Immanuel, "God with us." His Gospel presents a messiah who is never distant or uncaring. Instead, Jesus climbs down from the heavenly realms to enter the clutter and chaos of our fallen world and to subject Himself to our faults and frailties, pains and passions, sorrows and sicknesses.

    Luke describes the man Jesus and His ministry in vivid detail. Only in Luke’s account do we see the Almighty wrapped in swaddling clothes and matching wits with the greatest theological minds of His day as a boy. We see Jesus as a minister, healing the diseased in love. He presents Jesus as the perfect God-man who came to save all of humanity, Jew and Gentile alike.

    Luke’s history is no mere chronicle of a dead hero. This is His Story! And the story of Christ continues today-inviting you to join the narrative and to help write the conclusion.
  5. Swindoll's Living Insights New Testament Commentary:  Insights on Philippians, Colossians, Philemon
    17,99 $
    Philippians is saturated with joy. While under house arrest in Rome, Paul wrote to encourage the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord, despite their circumstances-to find Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered joy in living, serving, sharing, and resting.

    Colossians is addressed to a church suffering from cultural capitulation and spiritual surrender-just like the church of the twenty-first century. Those who deceive others with self-centered philosophies, self-promoting legalism, and self-serving asceticism attract power and attention, while diminishing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Colossians serves as a lighthouse piercing the fog of false teaching and leading us to the safe harbor of Christ.

    Philemon illustrates the importance of second chances, the equality of believers in Christ, and the power of the gospel to transcend cultural and social boundaries, it reminds us of the Christ-centered concepts of freedom, forgiveness, mercy, and especially grace.

    The 15 volume Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary series draws on Gold Medallion Award–winner Chuck Swindoll’s 50 years of experience with studying and preaching God’s Word. His deep insight, easygoing style, and humor bring a warmth and accessibility not often found in commentaries. Each volume combines verse-by-verse commentary, charts, maps, photos, key terms, and background articles with practical application. This series is a must-have for pastors, teachers, and anyone else who is seeking a deeply practical resource for exploring God’s Word.
  6. The Swindoll Study Bible NLT
    21,99 $
    The Swindoll Study Bible draws from thousands of hours of Chuck’s study over his more than fifty years of ministry. Chuck’s warm, personal style comes across on every page, and his informed, practical insights get straight to the heart of the message God’s Word has for the world today. Each part of this study Bible is like hearing Chuck speak God’s Word directly to your heart, encouraging your faith and drawing you deeper into the study of God’s Word.

    • Book Introductions answer key questions: Who wrote the book? Where are we? Why is this book so important? What’s the big idea? How do I apply this?
    • Application Articles explain important passages with Chuck’s winsome style through stories, illustrations, and specific application points.
    • People Profiles provide lessons from the lives of key biblical figures that hit home for modern readers.
    • Holy Land Tour explores important biblical locations. Each stop includes a photo and a modern-day map alongside background information and a devotion.
    • Prayer Moments offer heartfelt prayers from Chuck asking God to help us live out the truths of His Word.
    • Living Insights throughout Scripture-over 1600 study notes in all-highlight Chuck’s insights on important passages.
    • Searching the Scriptures, an article adapted from Chuck’s book of the same name, summarizes Chuck’s approach to Bible study.
    • Additional Features include Bible reading plans, indexes, a dictionary/concordance, and full-color maps.
    • The Swindoll Study Bible App (iOS and Android) is provided free with purchase and contains all the content of the print edition alongside searching, note taking, bookmarking, and sharing functions. See the User’s Guide for details (page A9).
  7.  God's Word for You
    6,99 $
    Are you getting the spiritual nourishment you need?
    We all know what it’s like to eat an unbalanced diet or consume too many sweets. We feel sick, light-headed, and occasionally depressed, or we become irritated and edgy. It’s the body’s way of letting us know that it’s lacking sufficient nourishment. Optimal health requires optimal nutrition. The same is true, spiritually speaking. Without sufficient and regular biblical nutrition, our inner lives begin to suffer the consequences. We become shallow and selfish, more demanding, and less gentle. We react impatiently, rashly, and angrily. These are tell-tale signs of inner malnutrition.

    In God’s Word for You, respected Bible teacher Chuck Swindoll shows us how to dig into Scripture and uncover its profound truths for our lives. Chuck invites us to sit down and feast on the truths found in God’s Word.
  8.  Good Morning, Lord . . . Can We Talk?
    19,99 $
    Timeless Bible wisdom from renowned pastor and teacher Chuck Swindoll.
    Do you long for daily encouragement and inspiration? Do you wish your quiet times were filled with power and purpose? Discover the joy and ease of meeting with God each day in a meaningful way with this year-long devotional by the world’s premiere Bible teacher. Filled with daily insights from Chuck Swindoll, Good Morning, Lord . . . Can We Talk? will give you a glimpse of the living power of God in your own life-and connect you to the restorative promises God speaks in his Scriptures.
  9. Swindoll's Living Insights New Testament Commentary:  Insights on Matthew 1--15
    17,99 $
    What a profound and powerful message to kick off the opening pages of the New Testament! After four hundred years of prophetic silence, many of God’s waiting people may have wondered whether He had forgotten His promises and deserted them. But then Jesus Himself arrived with an offer of the kingdom, based on one condition-faith. Faith in a Messiah who met very few people’s expectations. Faith in a kingdom that advanced through peace rather than war. Faith in a God who cared not only for His people, Israel, but for the whole world.

    For anybody who feels like God forgets His people, Matthew speaks loudly in the silence. Though God may not show up exactly the way we’re expecting or through the means we think He should, God does show up. Matthew’s Gospel not only reveals that Jesus is the King, Israel’s long-awaited Messiah, but it also reminds us that Jesus is our Immanuel-"God with us"-now resurrected and ascended, yet with us still, even to the end of the age.

    Get ready to meet your King!

    -Chuck Swindoll
  10.  What If . . . God Has Other Plans?
    16,99 $
    What do you do when life throws you the unexpected?
    At some point in all our lives, we will be given a script we never would have chosen. Where do you turn? How do you cope?

    Chuck Swindoll, popular Bible teacher, provides hope for those dark moments when life veers off course. Whether you have been hit hard recently or you are watching a friend, loved one, or relative suffer through setbacks, this book is for you. It helps you to see how God can be working through those times when life doesn’t follow your carefully laid plans.

    The future has never seemed so uncertain as in recent days. Chuck teaches biblical wisdom that can address how to respond to some of the most unforeseen circumstances.
    • What if you suddenly lose everything?
    • What if a longtime friend deceives you?
    • What if you need a second chance?
    Find hope when life throws you the unexpected.

    From the flap:
    Significant questions have always intrigued me. Questions make us search longer, think harder, and probe deeper. They escort us through mental doors that have been closed for too long, urging us to deal with life issues that are often troublesome to us but are rarely addressed.

    So I decided to ask some specific questions about life. Each question began with the same two words: What if . . . ? The questions covered a wide range of situations: from struggling with a disability to responding to God’s calling in our lives to do something great. These are the significant questions that most schools never address . . . but the Bible does.

    When I turned to Scripture, I found, not surprisingly, that it holds reliable, understandable, and doable answers for each question. My search led to the book you now hold in your hand. May it remind you to ask significant questions and seek reliable, biblical answers.

    -Chuck Swindoll

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