Formed in Secret

Formed in Secret
ISBN: 9781629984506

Autor:Harvey, Sean D.
10,99 $

* Campos Obligatorios

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How well do you know yourself? Are you unsure of who you are and live a life that reflects what other people think you should be? Or does the opposite apply to you? Are you confident that you are the person you think you should be?
Hint: The best answer is, “Neither.”
The fact is, only God knows you well enough to know who you are meant to be. He made you with a personality and purpose unique just to you. That’s why He alone can develop you into the person you were created to be.
Formed in Secret offers a real-life look into how God’s purpose is revealed and encourages a deeply intimate relationship with Jesus. Following its examples will help you to truly know yourself. It could be the very resource you need for discovering the life God created you to live. 
Información adicional

Información adicional

  • Páginas 128
  • Autor Harvey, Sean D.
  • Formato ePub con DRM
  • Fecha edición 07-07-2015
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Editorial Creation House


How well do you know yourself? Are you unsure of who you are and live a life that reflects what other people think you should be? Or does the opposite apply to you? Are you confident that you are the person you think you should be?
Hint: The best answer is, “Neither.”
The fact is, only God knows you well enough to know who you are meant to be. He made you with a personality and purpose unique just to you. That’s why He alone can develop you into the person you were created to be.
Formed in Secret offers a real-life look into how God’s purpose is revealed and encourages a deeply intimate relationship with Jesus. Following its examples will help you to truly know yourself. It could be the very resource you need for discovering the life God created you to live. 